Proposed Qantas 787-9 Direct Service from Perth to London

27 November, 2016
Discussions between Perth Airport and Qantas for the operation of direct services from Perth to London are progressing.

Our strong preference is for the flight to operate out of the existing facilities at T1 (international terminal).  However, our ongoing discussions include the possible use of T3 for international operations, as has been the case since Qantas first proposed operating this service.

Qantas’ preference is to retrofit ageing facilities at the existing domestic only Terminal 3 (T3).

Perth Airport has significantly enhanced our capacity in a $250 million expansion project. In fact, T1 is capable and ready for use for the service now. Perth Airport currently has three airline partners who already fly the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner and a further two airlines also operate on a 787-8 variant. Perth Airport is keen to see Qantas fly this state-of-the-art aircraft into Perth.

Perth Airport has provided Qantas with a generous multi-million dollar incentive package which will allow the airline to leverage off the existing fit for purpose facilities in T1 International.

Perth Airport’s position in discussions on Qantas’ preferred T3 option is informed by our need to ensure the outcomes of any agreement do not create a disadvantage to both the passengers and other international airlines using T1. More than 4.3 million passengers are currently processed annually through T1 compared to the estimated 150,000 passengers who would pass through T3. Perth Airport wants to ensure that overall customer experience at Perth Airport is not diminished.

Importantly, any agreement must also ensure planned consolidation of all commercial air services in the international precinct is not jeopardised. We are also asking that Qantas provide a firm commitment to move both their domestic and international services to the Airport Central precinct within an agreed timeframe.

We understand that the business sector is keen to see this service commence operations. Perth Airport, State and Federal Governments have invested significant taxpayer and shareholder funds in road and rail transport networks and terminal infrastructure to support the planned consolidation of all commercial air services in the Airport Central precinct for the benefit of the State and all Western Australians.

The expanded capacity at T1 International is already placed to meet requirements for a non-stop service to London.

We look forward to concluding discussions with Qantas and proceeding with the ongoing improvements to Perth Airport, which last week saw it win the prestigious Australian Airports Association ‘Capital City Airport of the Year’ Award for 2016.


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Corporate Affairs
Perth Airport
P: +61 8 9478 8877 (24 hour Media Line)
E: [email protected]