Express pick-up and drop-off at Terminal 2 launched

05 April, 2019
Perth Airport has flicked the switch on the final stage of a nine-month public information campaign around the new Express Pick-Up and Drop-off system for the Terminal 2 forecourt.

The new system – first announced in July 2018 – is designed to reduce congestion on the forecourt and surrounding access roads caused by motorists parking in the pick-up zone.

The Express system will continue to allow motorists to drop-off and pick-up passengers for free provided they enter and exit the forecourt within five minutes.

The cameras and boom gates on the system are now operational – but motorists will not be charged until May.

There will be a period of further testing of the system which will allow for an additional public education push.

Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Brown says Perth Airport staff will be on hand to advise motorists about the system.

“We are really trying to inform the public how they can avoid having to pay any fees and can keep enjoying free drop-offs and pick-ups at Terminal 2,” Mr Brown said.

“It’s simply about changing the mindset of motorists, particularly those picking up passengers from FIFO flights. 

“Instead of coming direct to the forecourt, motorists should head to our long-term carpark, which offers up to one-hour free parking.

“The passenger can then text once they are ready to be picked up on the forecourt. The motorists can then enter the forecourt, pick up the passenger and depart in less than five minutes – meaning there is no charge.”

Mr Brown said when the system eventually becomes fully operational, motorists who exceed the five-minute free period will be charged an overstay fee.

“Part of our education campaign is to let motorists know that if they overstay the five-minute free period, they will need a microchipped credit/debit card or correct change to depart the zone.

“We will finalise a credit voucher system for those who are not carrying the correct change before going into a full operational phase.
“We will also be preventing drivers trying to game the system by continuously entering and exiting the system as this would simply fuel congestion.
“Vehicles which exit the forecourt will need to wait ten minutes before re-entering if they wish to qualify for a free pick-up. Drivers can go straight to the long-term car park and wait for free until their passenger has arrived.

“Ultimately this is about reducing congestion and improving the customer experience for families, FIFO workers and passengers who use Terminal 2.

“By continuing to offer a free option we will be doing the right thing by motorists who do the wrong thing by using the pick-up, drop-off system the way it is intended to be used.”  

Perth Airport traffic modelling reveals the true extent of the congestion problem with up to 40 per cent of vehicles over-staying the permitted time at T2 during peak periods such as the arrival of FIFO flights.

When introduced, the overstay fees are designed to discourage loitering behaviour on the forecourt. For example, if you park on the forecourt for 20 minutes you will be charged $18.00 compared to $8.00 in the short-term car park or free in the long-term car park.

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Corporate Affairs 
Perth Airport
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