A room with a view… of Perth Airport
Perth Airport is taking another step developing the Airport West precinct with a call for Expressions of Interest from experienced hotel operators for the first ever hotel development on the airport estate.
Airport West has already attracted major retail outlets such as the DFO and Costco, as well as being home to a number of major companies such as Arc Infrastructure, Mader and Rio Tinto’s remote operations centre.
The proposed site for the hotel is on Dunreath Drive right next to the Redcliffe rail station on the Forrestfield Airport Link and is part of a transit-oriented development to serve passengers as well as the rapidly growing business & retail operations in the area.
Perth Airport Chief Executive Officer Kevin Brown said Airport West will continue to grow as a premium destination hub for retail, office and hospitality operations.
“We believe there is the potential for the growth of Airport West as a business and retail precinct to underpin a hotel long after Terminal 3 and 4 are gone,” Mr Brown said.
“In the short term, the hotel will be ideally located for passengers from those terminals and even after 2025, will only be one train stop away for both corporate and leisure travellers.
“We are looking to attract responses from strong performing hotel operators with demonstrated experience in operating a successful hotel business.”
Mr Brown said construction of the hotel could commence in 2021 with a potential hotel opening in 2022/23.
He said the Airport West hotel is just part of Perth Airport’s overall vision for quality business and traveller accommodation on the airport estate.
Chief Property Officer Steve Holden said Perth Airport is ultimately seeking to develop up to three hotel offerings on the airport estate.
“The estate currently has more than 150 tenants, and our Master Plan 2020 shows we are looking at further expansion and developments which will generate new jobs for Perth and WA.
“Coupled with predicted strong growth in international passenger numbers, we expect this to create both the demand and need for a range of accommodation options.
“Preliminary work is being done to assess a suitable site in the T1 carpark for a full-service hotel with close access for international, interstate and regional travellers.
“At the same time, we are looking at the feasibility of a bespoke, short stay hotel within T1 International which could house around 30 small cabin style rooms,” Mr Holden said.
With an extensive portfolio of industrial, office and retail premises, and a significant vacant land holding, Perth Airport is progressively developing land that is not required for current or future aviation purposes and has become the destination of choice for a number of high-quality businesses over recent years.
Perth Airport is also cooperating closely with the State Government on the Forrestfield-Airport link which will provide reliable public transport connections from the airport estate to the CBD and beyond. The first trains are scheduled to be running on the line by 2021, which will further enhance the desirability of operating from the Perth Airport estate.
Further information can be found here.
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Perth Airport
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