Perth Airport shares its vision for reconciliation

03 August, 2021

Perth Airport has released its inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). 

The Innovate RAP 2021-23 is a reflection of Perth Airport’s continued commitment to reconciliation and recognising the strong cultural connection that the Whadjuk people and other members of the Noongar Nation have to the airport estate. 

Perth Airport CEO Kevin Brown said reconciliation was about connections and the vision for our inaugural RAP was to connect with the First Nations peoples of Australia in genuine and meaningful ways. 

“Perth Airport sits on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation. It once formed part of their traditional travelling networks. 

“Today, we are a part of a modern travelling network – one that takes Western Australians to all 
corners of the globe and also welcomes people from around the world to our home. 

“For international and interstate visitors, our airport should be the first point of connection to the vibrant and unique cultural heritage of our State’s Aboriginal people

“In recent years this aspiration has increasingly driven our thinking and planning; how can we - as an airport showcase, celebrate and reflect the deep historical, cultural and spiritual ties that First Nations’ Australians have to the lands and waters we now all call home,” Mr Brown said.

“This principle and commitment has recently led to further modifying the design of Perth’s New Runway to ensure the Munday Swamp heritage site will be protected and accessible to the Noongar Traditional Custodians

“We’re also excited to showcase the wonderful artwork which features in the RAP from contemporary Noongar artist Jarni McGuire which provides a wonderful visual representation of the reconciliation journey.

“Jarni’s artwork will also be incorporated into Perth Airport’s brand identity,” Mr Brown said. 

Reconciliation Australia CEO Karen Mundine, commended Perth Airport on its inaugural Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan.

“Implementing an Innovate RAP signals Perth Airport’s readiness to develop and strengthen relationships, engage staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, and pilot strategies to ensure effective and dynamic outcomes.

Perth Airport celebrated the launch of its RAP with the Partnership Agreement Group of Traditional Custodians who guide the airport on Aboriginal Heritage matters, and the recipients of the
2021 Perth Airport Edith Cowan University (ECU) Scholarships. 

Over the past decade, Perth Airport has provided scholarships to the value of $15,000 to support two Indigenous students each year for up to three years of tertiary studies at Edith Cowan University (ECU). 

This year, our two scholarship recipients will go on to have careers in law and science and we look forward to continuing our partnership with ECU which has seen more than $300,000 being awarded to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying at ECU.

Perth Airport’s Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2021 – 2023 is available here

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Corporate Affairs 
Perth Airport
E: [email protected]