Perth Airport continues to plan for Airport Central consolidation

08 November, 2022
Perth Airport has released its Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan (MDP) for Airport Central (Airfield Upgrades) for public review and comment.

Perth Airport CEO Kevin Brown said that the plan outlines one of the critical components that will allow consolidation of all commercial air services into the Airport Central Precinct at Perth Airport.

“The project will support the Western Australian and national economy by delivering jobs and facilitating the growth of the important resource and tourism industries. The project construction will inject $565 million into the local economy and will employ 973 directly and more than 3,500 indirect jobs.

“The works within the Airport Central precinct will provide additional airfield capacity and will enable the future new parallel runway to connect seamlessly with the existing airfield and terminal infrastructure.

“For more than 40 years, the planning for Perth Airport has been working towards the consolidation of all commercial air services to a central location. And over the past decade we have delivered two new terminals and an expansion of the T1 international terminal for the WA community.


“We have also invested in new taxiways, taxiway widening, enhanced lighting and navigation approach equipment as well as runway overlays, and significant upgrades to the roads and carparks.


“Over the next 10 years Perth Airport is planning to spend up to $2.5 billion building new facilities, including an expanded international terminal, construction of a new terminal for the consolidation of Qantas Group operations to Airport Central, and construction of a new runway, to ensure Western Australia’s airport is future proofed.


“We are also about to commence work on the airport’s first multi-storey car park in front on Terminal 1 which is part of a $370 million project that will transform the way people access the airport by road.


“These developments support growth, increase efficiency and produce a better customer experience for our passengers and are important steps which ensures that our infrastructure development coincides with the predicted growth,” Mr Brown said


Perth Airport forecasts that by 2040:

  • annual passenger numbers will grow to 25 million, and
  • annual aircraft movements will grow to nearly 200,000 movements.


It is vital to our State’s continuing prosperity that we preserve and enhance our capacity and flexibility which allows our airline partners to grow their businesses which in turn helps the Western Australian economy grow.


Perth Airport’s next wave of investment will give passengers a stress free, seamless travel experience, provide our airlines partners greater efficiency and room to grow and give Western Australia, its economy and its people the maximum benefit from the multi-billion-dollar investments in road and rail projects made in recent years – including the newly opened Airport Central Station.

“The scope of works within the MDP includes site preparation, earthworks, service diversions and installations, drainage network and retention basin construction, relocation of navigation aids and construction of concrete aprons, taxi lanes and a flexible pavement airfield taxiway system.

“And at Perth Airport, we remain committed to no net loss of biodiversity for all project developments.

“An important part of a Major Development Plan process is our public engagement. We are committed to a transparent and effective community engagement for this plan.

“The Airport Experience Centre will be open for Community Drop-in sessions throughout the public comment period which will give the public the opportunity to speak directly with the Perth Airport team about the plan and other developments at Perth Airport.

“The MDP will also be available on our website.


Public Comment


The Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan is now out for public comment for a period of 60 business days and we are inviting the community to visit the Airport Experience Centre at one of our Drop-in Sessions where we will be available to answer questions about our plans.


Airport Experience Centre Drop-in Sessions

Hkew Alpha Building – Ground Floor, 2 George Wiencke Drive, Perth Airport Free parking available in the visitor parking in front of Hkew Alpha Building.


Open Days

  • Wednesday 23 November 9.30am to 4.30pm
  • Wednesday 21 December 9.30am to 4.30pm


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Corporate Affairs
Perth Airport
P: +61 8 9478 8877 (24 hour Media Line)
E: [email protected]