
Perth Airport is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by adopting and implementing energy efficiency initiatives, renewable energy (onsite and offsite) options, electrification of Scope 1 sources, sustainable ground transportation options, infrastructure upgrades, with offsetting schemes as a last resort. This is designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions across Perth Airport’s estate-wide operations.

Perth Airport Emissions Targets

Perth Airport is committed to:

  • Carbon neutrality by 2030 for PAPL-only Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions
  • Net Zero emissions by 2040
  • Airport Carbon Accreditation Level 4 Accreditation by 2026

Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA)

The Airports Council International’s (ACI), Airport Carbon Accreditation programme is the only institutionally-endorsed, carbon management certification standard for airports and participants are independently verified in accordance with ISO14064. The management of our carbon emissions is a long-term commitment and supports our views of sustainability and effective environmental management.

Perth Airport participates in the ACA program and is currently working towards Level 4 (proposed for 2026).

This requires the development of the following (but not limited to):

  • An externally-verified carbon footprint report
  • Data to demonstrate an annual reduction in emissions compared to the three-year rolling average
  • The development of a Carbon Management Plan and Stakeholder Engagement Plan
  • Setting a science based emission reduction target

A statement of our commitment and intent is provided here.

Airport Carbon Accreditation - Mapping logo