Environment and sustainability
Perth Airport is committed to effective environmental management of the airport estate; a joint responsibility of Perth Airport Pty Ltd, airline operators, business partners, tenants, contractors and consultants.
We actively manage noise, water, soil and air pollution on our estate. We recognise the impacts of climate change and we strive to control greenhouse gas emissions that relate to energy use in our facilities and aircraft operations.
As Perth Airport operates 24/7, the energy efficiency of buildings along with the efficiency of aircraft and vehicle traffic are key considerations for managing environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions.
Regulatory framework
Perth Airport is governed by Commonwealth legislation. In the absence of relevant Commonwealth legislation, State legislation may apply. Relevant Commonwealth Legislation includes:- Airports Act 1996,
- Airports (Environmental Protection) Regulations 1997,
- Environmental and Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,
- Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000,
- National Environmental Protection Council Act 1994,
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984, and
- The Native Title Act 1993.
- Bushfires Act 1954,
- Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972,
- Dangerous Goods Act 2004, and
- Dangerous Goods Safety Regulations 2007 (various).
Environment reports
Perth Airport’s latest Master Plan incorporates our environment strategy and outlines our plans to move towards an ultimate vision of consolidating all air services into the Airport Central Precinct, use of new land precincts on the estate, and focusing on sustainability in the upcoming period of development.Our environment strategy specifically outlines environmental management actions, initiatives and strategies for the Perth Airport estate during the next five years.
As required by the Airports (Environment Protection) Regulations 1997, Perth Airport also produces an annual environmental report that is submitted to the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.
School Planting Week
Our annual School Planting Week involves students from local schools participating in planting native seedlings on the estate. The program was introduced in 2006 and, due to its success, has continued every year since. In 2015, approximately 600 students successfully planted several thousand seedlings near Munday Swamp, located in the north of the estate. Participants also take part in a presentation by Aboriginal representatives from the Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife.
Tenant and construction environment resources
Here are some useful links to help both our tenant and construction partners in documenting and delivering correct environmental outcomes.
- Perth Airport Master Plan 2020, Environment factsheet.
- Perth Airport Master Plan 2020.
- Perth Airport EMP Guidelines
- Clean Fill Form
- Clearing Pruning Request Form
- Perth Airport Annual Environmental Report (AER) Guidelines
Management of PFAS
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, also known as “PFASs”, are chemicals that are, or have been, used in a wide variety of applications such as textiles and leather products, cookware, food packaging, floor polishes and in some types of fire-fighting foams. Click here for further information on the management of PFAS.
Carbon Emissions Management
Perth Airport is committed to reducing our carbon impact and we are currently working towards accreditation under the Airports Council International (ACI) Airport Carbon Accreditation program.
In June 2017 we achieved Level 1 ‘Mapping’ Certification under the program, which required us to determine the direct or indirect emissions sources, as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, within its operational boundary, then collect data and calculate the annual carbon emissions, before compiling a carbon footprint report.
The ACI’s Airport Carbon Accreditation is the only institutionally-endorsed, carbon management certification standard for airports. It is a program with four levels, mapping a process for airports to become cleaner and more efficient, starting with having a carbon footprint independently verified in accordance with ISO14064 (Greenhouse Gas Accounting).
The management of our carbon emissions is a long-term commitment by Perth Airport and supports our views of sustainability and effective environmental management. A statement of our commitment and intent is provided here.