Safety Essentials
At Perth Airport, the safety and well-being of our workforce is of utmost importance. This campaign is specifically designed to address the critical safety risks that may affect Workers. It provides valuable information and resources to enhance awareness, promote safe practices. By actively engaging in the ‘Contractor Safety Essentials’ campaign together, we can create a workplace where safety is paramount, incidents are prevented, and each worker returns home safely at the end of the day.
- Identify the change to the task and assess the risk of the change.
- If there is an impact to you, other people, or Perth Airport by this change - stop works and notify your supervisor.
- Changes to tasks that could impact members of the public must be reviewed by Perth Airport.
- Excavation permit required for all excavation on the airport estate.
- Scanning must be carried out to locate all services and marked on site.
- No mechanical excavation can be undertaken within 1 meter of services.
- Excavations must be secured with suitable solid barriers and signage.
- Solid barriers and signage must be erected to restrict access to the works area.
- Dedicated spotters must be positioned outside the works area in public spaces.
- Works in public spaces must have a Working at Heights Permit.
- Site specific SWMS is required for all works at heights in public spaces.
- All lifting operations require a crane permit.
- A lift plan or lift study must be completed for all crane operations which may impact Perth Airport.
- No lifts are to be conduct over members of the public or Perth Airport buildings.
- Lifting equipment must be certified and inspected before use.
- Ensure you have been given the appropriate instruction and permission to commence works.
- Adhere to all instructions provided by your supervisor.
- Maintain open and clear lines of communications with your supervisor.
- Take ownership of your safety and the safety of others.
- No live electrical works can be undertaken at Perth Airport.
- Electrical work is only to be carried out by workers with appropriate current electrical licences.
- Energy sources must be isolated prior to works commencing.
- Apprentices must be supervised.
- Always wear appropriate hand protection specific to the task.
- Ensure proper hand placement and be aware of potential hand hazards (e.g. sharp objects or crushing).
- Never operate machinery with guards removed, they are there for your safety.
- Hotworks permit must be in place for all hotworks in terminals or buildings.
- Hot works may require Life Safety Systems to be isolated, confirm with your supervisor.
- Two fire extinguishers and one fire blanket must be on hand when conducting hotworks.
- Hotworks must not be left unattended, and a fire watch must be maintained for a minimum of 60 minutes after the completion of hotworks.
- Plant operators must have the appropriate licences.
- Suitable measures must be in place to manage plant and pedestrian interactions such as traffic management plans, spotters, designated walkways, reversing cameras.
- Seatbelts must be worn where fitted.
- Plant must be safety de-energised and isolated before carryout maintenance works.
- Adhere to all instructions provided by your supervisor.
- Prioritise safety and familiarise yourself with procedures specific to your job role.
- Ensure you have received the required training for your job role and/or task.
- Avoid rushing tasks and take time to complete tasks safely.
- If at any point you are unsure how to proceed safely – stop works and speak to your supervisor.
Download the Young & Inexperienced Workers Information Sheet
Stop work if it is unsafe.
Report all hazards, incidents and near misses to your supervisor.
Report all emergency incidents to:
000 for life threatening emergencies.
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