Undertaking works at Perth Airport
To ensure activities at leased federal airports in Australia meet the appropriate building and engineering standards, the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development appoints an Airport Building Controller (ABC) for each airport.
Land use planning and building control at Perth Airport is regulated by the Airports Act 1996 (Act). The regulations dealing with the approval of building activities (as defined in the Act) are the Airports (Building Control) Regulations 1996.
The ABC must be notified of all works, construction and building activities. These activities cover, for example, new buildings, terminals, hangars, shop fit-outs and civil works including runways, taxiways, roads and drains. Demolition activities are also included as building activities. Appropriate building activities require ABC approval to carry out the building activity.
The ABC at Perth Airport is:
Airport Building Controller—IDS Consultants Pty Ltd
P: (08) 9479 5170 | E: [email protected]
Stephen Ward: 0417 880 381
Ben Tran: 0419 042 788
The role of Perth Airport Pty Ltd in the building approval process
The approval process also involves obtaining the consent of the Airport Lessee Company (ALC), which is Perth Airport Pty Ltd.
The Regulations describe what Perth Airport must be satisfied about before it gives its consent, such as whether the proposed works are consistent with the Perth Airport Master Plan. They also stipulate time constraints for this process.
On certain occasions, the ABC may deem that an ABC permit is not required. In this case a Perth Airport Consent may still be required.
The ABC cannot issue their permit until the Perth Airport Consent has been finalised.
How do I know what works require approval?
All building, demolition or other works that take place on the airport estate require Perth Airport Consent to proceed, and in some cases, an ABC permit. The only case where works may be exempt are where they constitute maintenance or ‘like for like’ replacement, however, Perth Airport’s Consents Coordinator should be contacted to confirm approval requirements.
Perth Airport Consents Coordinator
P: (08) 9478 8436 | E: [email protected]
If you’re a concessionaire/tenant undertaking works in a Perth Airport terminal, and works don’t require Perth Airport Consent and an ABC permit, there are other requirements before works can proceed.