Receiving Perth Airport Consent and an ABC Approvals

The Airports Act (1996) states that building activities on airport sites requires approval. This approval process consists of two separate applications;

1) Perth Airport Consent (PAC), and 
2) Airport Building Controller (ABC) permit approval.

A “one-stop shop” process has been established at Perth Airport to assist applicants seeking approvals for construction and building activities. The PAC and ABC applications are to be submitted at the same time, as processes run parallel with each other. 

Perth Airport Pty Ltd assesses the PAC, taking into considering leasing, occupational health and safety, operations, and the Perth Airport Master Plan.

The ABC assesses the activity under the Airports (Building Control) Regulations 1996, National Construction Codes and applicable Australian Standards. The ABC is appointed by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development (DIRD) and is a separate entity to Perth Airport. Hence, there are separate application forms and fees.

There are circumstances where the ABC may deem that the proposal does not require a permit from their office. However, this does not preclude requirements for a Perth Airport Consent approval. If the ABC has determined a permit is not required, please ensure that Perth Airport’s Approval Coordinator has confirmed whether a Perth Airport Consent is required.

Perth Airport Consents - useful information and forms

If you wish to discuss this process further, please contact either: 

Airport Building Controller—IDS Consultants Pty Ltd
P: (08) 9479 5170 | E: [email protected]

Stephen Ward: 0417 880 381
Ben Tran: 0419 042 788

Perth Airport Consents Coordinator 
E: [email protected]